Decarbonizing Domestic Hot Water Systems Using Novel Heat Pump/High Efficiency Gas Hybrid Approach

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Webinar On-Demand
Sponsored by Intellihot
Presented by Robbie Svidron

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn how to integrate electric and gas sources to heat domestic hot water systems.
  2. Explore several theoretical hybrid DHW configurations and the nuances associated with implementing them in commercial buildings.
  3. Discuss the tradeoffs associated with using both heat pumps and high efficiency gas units as it pertains to upfront cost, operational cost, and building emissions.
  4. Examine how future advances in technology over the next decade can impact the way we think about heating water.


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Heat pump water heaters (HPWH) have become the go-to solution for engineers looking to design DHW systems that comply with electrification mandates. As HPWHs continue to be adopted, there is new interest emerging in designing DHW systems that combine the fast delivery rate of high-efficiency gas with the sustainability and efficiency of heat pumps. These “hybrid” water heating systems mirror their counterparts in the automotive industry, where electricity is used where possible, with the ability to rely on gas power as a backup when conditions call for it.

Join Intellihot as they explore several DHW configurations that utilize a hybrid approach to reduce CapEx and OpEx while simultaneously aiding in decarbonization.


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Robbie Svidron serves as Intellihot’s corporate trainer, bringing his field knowledge and expertise of water heating options to contractors and engineers across the country, ensuring that they benefit from the latest advancements in the field.

Drawing from a prior position as a Mechanical Systems and Applications Engineer, Robbie has a comprehensive understanding of various water heating options, ranging from boilers with large storage tanks, to gas-powered tank-type heaters, to modern tankless and heat pump water heaters.

Constantly exploring ways to reduce water heating costs while enhancing user convenience with emerging technologies, Robbie has guided numerous professionals in transitioning commercial properties from outdated tank-type heaters to more efficient tankless systems.

With a curious mindset, Robbie quickly discerns the unique training needs of his audience, providing them with innovative and practical tips for implementing efficient and safe water heating systems that are sized correctly for their hot water needs.  

Svidron earned a Mechanical Engineering degree from Bradley University, in Peoria, IL.


Intellihot Intellihot designs, manufactures and assembles tankless water heaters for residential, commercial and industrial applications — the first to do so entirely in the United States. Quality and innovation are at the heart of all its products, which were developed following years of extensive research. The company continues to be recognized for its innovative design; it currently has more than 60 awarded and pending patents.


Originally published in July 2024
