Water Heating System Design 101

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Webinar On-Demand
Sponsored by A. O. Smith
Presented by Isaac Wilson

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the various types of domestic hot water (DHW) systems.
  2. Explain the pros and cons of each type of DHW system.
  3. Describe the common components and accessories in a DHW system and their utility.
  4. Explain the factors involved when determining the right type of water heater for an application.
  5. Discuss the relevant factors for sizing a DHW system and be able to apply them.


1 PDH*
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Purpose statement:

The purpose of this webinar is to review the various types of water heater systems, the adjacent components and accessories and how the system flows and fits together in order to evaluate an application and choose the proper water heating system based on the specific parameters of a project.
This test is no longer available for credit

This educational presentation provides an introduction to the design of domestic hot water systems with a comprehensive focus on water heaters and related components. The presentation will review the various types of water heater systems, the adjacent components and accessories and how the system flows and fits together. The primary considerations for applications and sizing will also be discussed with examples. Participants will learn how best to evaluate an application and choose the proper water heating system based on the specific parameters of a project.


Photo Courtesy of A. O. Smith


Isaac Wilson has been working in water heating technology for nearly 4 years with A. O. Smith. He is currently the Product Support Manager and is responsible for all pre-sales technical support for both commercial and residential products, which includes the Application Engineering Team. He has taught numerous educational courses over his career and has extensive knowledge in both product/system design and application engineering. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Louisville.


A. O. Smith A. O. Smith’s selection of residential and commercial water heaters, boilers, and storage tanks is unmatched for quality and diversity. Anywhere hot water is needed, A. O. Smith can provide an energy-efficient solution with maximum value during and for years after installation. And, A. O. Smith stands behind its products and its customers with world-class service, combining cutting-edge technology with committed people who take pride in being the very best.


Originally published in July 2022
